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DRDO issues

DRDO had been the premier agency for developing strategic & defense hardware. The agency has been credited for the development of indigenous strategic missile system. However, the agency has also been criticized for inordinate delay inefficiency and cost over run in its projects.

DRDO has not been able to develop a culture of efficiency at par with international research organization. Its attitude is non apologetic about its own failures while blaming everything on government policies and lack of funds. DRDO has been unable to create a quality human resource base which is committed and efficient. It has not been able to envision commercial aspects of its products. That said, it must be acknowledged that the government too has shown more confidence in foreign technology than indigenous ones. DRDO has legitimately been subjected to thinning and uneven distribution of resources.

For rectifying the present situation DRDO must first update its vision. It must not only aim for satisfying indigenous defense needs but also have an eye for foreign defense markets. Though, recently private players and foreign players have been allowed to be included at the developmental stage, they must also be allowed at system delivery stage. This would allow DRDO to exploit the current market specialization.

Moreover DRDO must improve its work culture, to make it attractive enough to attract quality human resource. Latest project management techniques, flexible and adaptive teams, clear and reliable data for technology cost, its date of obsolescence etc must be explored for time bound delivery.

Only after a radical change in vision and working culture, could DRDO be able to claim a worthy status in Indian defense panorama.


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